Vampire - La Mascarade
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Vampire - La Mascarade

Bienvenue dans un monde où les humains ne sont pas au sommet de la chaine alimentaire. Peu d'entres eux le savent car les vampires dominent la plànete, toutefois, cette domination n'est pas si simple car plusieurs clans règnent.
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 Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat

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Le Maître de Jeu

Nombre de messages : 38
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Date d'inscription : 31/10/2005

Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat Empty
MessageSujet: Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat   Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat EmptyLun 19 Déc à 2:49

Bon! J'me suis dit que ca serait important, vu que la ville est Sabbat, que tous soit a la meme page sur comment marche, fonctionne et roule le Sabbat.

Alors voila un petit topo. Il sera suivi d'un autre poste sur qui est qui a Montreal.

Bon alors voici la structure du Sabbat. J'enchainerai avec l'historique, puis les lois et le Code de Milan, pour finir avec quelques pratiques


Le Sabbat, aussi appelé Épée de Caine, est une secte très structurée, malgré les apparences, composée de plusieurs niveaux et titre de régence. Contrairement a la Camarilla, les postes de chefs sont obtenus par les vampire les plus forts et les plus loyaux, sans égard pour la génération.

Le role de chefs est de diriger, et non de controler. Ce titres est plus ou moins gagner et pris, rarement accorder . Donc, les plus fort et les plus qualifiés se débarasse de ceux qui le sont moins.

Les niveaux de pouvoir d'un titre ne sont pas toujours clairement définis. En général, un s,accorde les droits qu'il a la force de clamer. En général, le Sabbat utilise des termes emprunter au clergé pour désigner les grades. Cette pratique a commencé dans la moquerie, mais est depuis très représentatives du caractère zélés de la secte.

Le Sabbat revendique la liberté, la loyauté et la communauté. Ils se considèrent supérieurs aux humains et donc ils sont libres de faire ce qu'ils veulent. Ils doivent cependant être fidèles au Sabbat. De plus, ils s'opposent à une non-vie de solitude, isolée et secrète, et voyagent la plupart du temps en meutes.

La Structure du Sabbat est comme telle:

Hiérarchie :
- Régent : Le chef "suprême" de la secte.
- Priscus (ou les Prisci) : Ce sont les conseillers du dirigeant de la secte. Ils n'ont pas de pouvoir réel sur les troupes du Sabbat, mais ont une influence idéologique énorme.
- Cardinal : Il est chargé de faire monter l'influence du Sabbat dans une région donnée du Monde.
- Archevêque : Un archevêque est un membre qui s'occupe généralement des actions du Sabbat dans une ville donnée.
- Evêque : Les évêques secondent l'archevêque dans sa tâche et transmettent leur volonté. Ce sont les équivalents des Primogènes de la Camarilla. Sauf qu'ils sont assujettis à l'autorité de l'Archevèque. Celui-ci pouvant les destituer.
- Templiers : Garde du corps des dignitaires du Sabbat. Ils peuvent aussi servir d'assassins. Le templier a des lettres de mission prouvant son titre, ou un insigne ou un bijou permettant d'identifier qui il sert.
- Paladins : Elite des templiers. On les nomme traditionnellement par 12. Ce titre est donné par un Cardinal à un templier. Lors de leur nomination, on leur donne une étole bordée d'hermine.
- La meute : La base de toute l'organisation du Sabbat, un groupe de vampires unis dans un même but. Les meutes peuvent être nomades ou sédentaires. Elles doivent avoir chacune un prêtre qui est chargé de diriger les rituels et sont dirigées par un Ductus.

La Main Noire:Nombreux sont ceux qui craignent la main noire, et avec raison. C'est vampires anciens puissants et mortellement efficaces sont glorifiés comme une sorte de police ''interne'' du Sabbat, et sont tous très puissant, autant en tant que groupe qu'individuellement. Plusieurs mystères plannent sur ce puissant groupe.

L'Inquisition (du Sabbat)-Encore moins nombreux que la Main Noire, l'Inquisition Sabbat lutte contre les forces démoniaques qui assujetiraient les membres de la Secte. Bien que la liberté brime au sein du Sabbat, c'est pour l'unité et la ferveur contre les Antédiluviens que vit la secte, et la diablerie et l'infernalisme n'est aucunement tolérée, meme si certains la pratique tout de même. Pour vaincre ces forces , le Sabbat a mis sur pied l'Inquisition.
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Le Maître de Jeu
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Maitre de Jeu
Le Maître de Jeu

Nombre de messages : 38
Nationalité : Aucune
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2005

Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat   Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat EmptyLun 19 Déc à 3:09

Code de Milan :
Un serment d'allégeance a été prêté par le Régent et les Prisci en présence de tous les membres importants de la secte pour appliquer fidèlement tous les articles de ce Code dans la gestion du Sabbat :

I. Le Sabbat doit rester uni derrière le Régent de la Secte. Si nécessaire, un nouveau Régent sera élu. Le Régent gouvernera sans tyrannie, garantissant la liberté à tout Sabbat.

II. Tout Sabbat doit servir ses Guides de son mieux aussi longtemps que ces Guides serviront la volonté du Régent.

III. Tout Sabbat doit suivre avec foi les Auctoritas Ritae.

IV. Tout Sabbat doit tenir sa parole d'honneur.

V. Tout Sabbat doit traiter ses pairs avec justice et équité, renforçant ainsi la force et l'unité du Sabbat. Si nécessaire, il doit pourvoir aux besoins de ses Frères.

VI. Tout Sabbat doit faire passer les intérets de la Secte avant les siens, quelqu'en puisse être le prix.

VII. Ceux qui se montrent indignes de ce Code seront considérés comme inférieurs, et de ce fait déchus de tout droit.

VIII. Comme cela a toujours été, il en sera toujours ainsi. La Lextalionis est le modèle d'une justice immortelle à laquelle tout Sabbat doit adhérer.

IX. Tout Sabbat doit protéger ses pairs des ennemis de la Secte. Les ennemis personnels relèvent de la responsabilité personnelle, à moins qu'ils ne menacent la sécurité de la Secte.

X. Tous les membres de la Secte doivent protéger les territoires du Sabbat de toute autre influence.

XI. Le principe d'une liberté inaliénable est le principe fondateur de la Secte. Tout Sabbat doit attendre et exiger la liberté de ses guides.

XII. Les droits de la Monomacie devront être utilisés pour régir tout conflit au sein du Sabbat.

XIII. Tout Sabbat doit apporter le soutien nécessaire à la main Noire

Addendum suite a la révolte interne, le 21 décembre 1933

XIV. Tout Sabbat a le droit de vérifier le comportement et les activités de ses Frères pour maintenir la liberté et la sécurité.

XV et XVI. Tout Sabbat a le droit de convoquer un conseil de ses pairs et de ses guides. Tout Sabbat devra s'opposer aux membres de la Secte qui usent de l'autorité et du pouvoir que le Sabbat leur a conféré pour leur intérêt personnel au détriment du Sabbat. Toute action devra préalablement être agréée par un Quorum de Prisci
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Le Maître de Jeu
Maitre de Jeu
Maitre de Jeu
Le Maître de Jeu

Nombre de messages : 38
Nationalité : Aucune
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2005

Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat   Tout Savoir Sur le Sabbat EmptyLun 19 Déc à 3:24


PS. Il est 2 heures du mat et j'ai mon dernier examen de la session demain, alors je laisse cette partie en anglais pour la soiree.

La traduction se fera demain, et j'aurai enfin fini mes 2 semaines de labeur affreux! Wink

En attendant pour les anglo..ben voila!

The Blood Bath:
The Blood Bath is held whenever sect leaders recognize a Sabbat Vampire as having rightful claim to a title. All the Sabbat who will be under the leadership of the vampire are invited to attend the ceremony. Each subservient vampire is brought before her superior. The superior recognizes the vampire and proceeds to give praise and advice. The titled vampire then shares in the Vaulderie with all present. After this, the vampire is actually led to a pool of fresh and blood bathes in it. All ranking vampires (Regent, Cardinals, Prisci, ArchBishops, and Bishops) will be treated to this ritual upon their taking upon their rank. It will be attending by all vampires who are able to be in attendance, whether they will be subservient to that vampire or not.

The Blood Feast:
The Blood Feast is held at almost all important gatherings. Humans, and possibly an enemy Kindred, are chained and hung from the ceiling upside down. The Sabbat at the gathering are allowed to bite open the victim and fill their glasses with blood. It is customary to lick the wound closed when finished, so as not to waste any vitae. The Blood Feast is blood on tap.

The Creation Rites:
This ritual is used when recruiting new members for the sect. In it, all those chosen to become Sabbat are drained of their blood and then given a small amount of vitae from their sires. The Sabbat then bludgeon the chosen unconscious and bury them. Those who claw their way to the surface are knocked out again. They are taken to the secret haven of the pack, where they are awakened and their new status explained.

The Vaulderie:
Of all the Auctoritas Ritae, the Vaulderie constitutes the most important ritual the Sabbat practices, for it is the source of their freedom and solidarity. In fact, it is essential to what the sect is, the foundation for Sabbat society and success. It is a ceremony of Blood Bonding with all other Sabbat present. The Vaulderie breaks all other Blood Bonds and establishes a Vinculum (bond) between all Sabbat taking part in the ritual. The feeling the Vaulderie creates is one of fellowship, comfort and intense loyalty. It raises the morale of the participants and gives them a tremendous rush. The loyalty created by this bond is far beyond any human emotion and therefore, much more profound.

Games of Instinct:

Sabbat believe the strong alone survive. The Games of Instinct test vampires to see who among them are the strongest. The games are meant as competitions and many place bets on who will win. There are many types of games, and Sabbat are always inventing new ones. The games test such things as hunting ability, resistance to pain, fighting ability, bravery and wit. The Games of Instinct are like sport for the undead.

Monomacy is the method for handling grievances among Sabbat vampires through combat. It allows vampires to challenge each other in duels to settle their differences.

Sermons of Caine:
All vampires in the Sabbat know the story of their origins from the Book of Nod. The Sabbat often gather to hear sermons on their history to remind them of who and what they are. The sermons are used to strengthen Sabbat loyalty and ideology. Sermons of Caine are usually carried out by Sabbat priests following the Path of Caine, and by higher-level leaders during other rituals. Sermons of Caine are always followed by the Vaulderie.

The Wild Hunt:
Sabbat vampires seldom turn traitor, but those who do rarely survive. The Sabbat is a sect which protects its secrets. If a member reveals something to the enemy that could harm the sect, she is punished severely. Should the enemy ever manage to gain something of vital importance from a Sabbat vampire, the Wild Hunt is called. The Wild Hunt is much like a Blood Hunt, except the Wild Hunt targets all those who may possess the secret knowledge. The hunt is truly wild. The Sabbat stop at nothing to destroy all who possess their secrets, especially the Sabbat traitor who revealed the secrets in the first place.

Other rituals may be observed on special occasions, such as the Festivo dello Estinto, Palla Grande, or Danse Macabre. In addition, all vampires must swear to the Oath of Loyalty. There will be a Pack Symbol and a Test of Verification that each vampire will be made aware of upon completion of all necessary requirements to reach the rank of Cainite. Any time a ritual is to be observed, all members will be given advance notice of the coming festivities. The eldest and highest ranking priest will be responsible for determining which other rituals will be observed and when. If someone would like to see a ritual held they must contact this person to set it up.

Sabbat Games:
Car Racing: The Sabbat often steal cars and race each other around town. If they run into a police officer, so what? They either Dominate or kill him. They usually end up crashing the cars and causing others to wreck.

Cowboys and Indians: The Sabbat dress as cowboys and Indians and hunt each other in public areas. They shoot at each other with real bullets, often hitting innocent bystanders. They never really hurt each other because they do not mind calling a time out for wounded vampire to drink some blood and heal herself.

Demolition Derby: Similar to car racing, the demolition derby is a game in which the Sabbat use stolen cars to intentionally see how many wrecks they can cause, especially involving other pack members.

Dueling with the Enemy: A single Sabbat vampire will often approach an anarch and challenge her to a duel. The duel is seldom to the death, but the Sabbat usually tries to get the Camarilla Kindred in trouble.

Football: This is just a game of football. The Sabbat play it all the time among themselves. The problems start when they play tackle football in the park or some other open area. The Sabbat version can draw attention with the massive brutality it causes, especially when the Sabbat play against mortals and the carnage really mounts.

Fox Hunt: The Sabbat hunt down a single Lupine, bring him into the city and turn him loose. They give the Lupine a few minutes' headstart and then proceed to hunt him down and kill him.

Freeplay: Certain packs capture humans and Dominate them into believing they are monsters in a fantasy world. They often use sewers to make the game more believable. The humans are given weapons and sent away to hide. Then a group of Sabbat pretend they are the heroes exploring a dungeon. The humans are treated like monsters and slaughtered by the Sabbat "heroes."

Gangbanging: The Sabbat ride past Camarilla Kindred and fill them full of lead. Seldom do they kill the enemy vampires, but this game stirs up a lot of trouble among mortals, especially when the guys they supposedly killed get up and stumble away.

Headbanging: The pack members go into the mosh pits of clubs, work themselves into a frenzy and begin tearing people up and drinking blood. The only reason any mortals survive this is that the frenzied Kindred often attack each other. This is a terrible game to play in one's own town, but it can lead to wonderful escapades when played in a Camarilla Rack.

Horse Racing: The Sabbat will often race horses just as they race cars, except they can take the horses places cars cannot go -- shopping malls, hospitals and grocery stores, for example.

Human Gladiators: The Sabbat often capture a few humans, equip them with knives, clubs and chains, and make them battle each other. The Sabbat tell them the survivor gets to keep his life. Whether this is true is up to the pack, but most are enjoyed as post-game meals.

Spirit Games: A Sabbat pack with Thaumaturgists who know the proper magic summons a spirit and asks it questions. This is similar to using a Ouija board, but much more spectacular and dangerous.

Torture Games: Sabbat often find the suffering of others most amusing. They take kine and Kindred "performers" to their communal haven, where they test the individual's pain resistance.

Trick or Treat
: Sabbat often go door to door trick or treating, even when it is not close to Halloween. If they are not given candy by the people inside, they usually "trick" them by sneaking in and drinking their blood. Sometimes they play silly pranks instead.

Trip to the Zoo: The "trip to the zoo" is the Sabbat's name for the process of capturing a Camarilla vampire and turning her loose in Lupine territory. Gee, how awful. The only problem is finding a safe seat from which to watch the game.

Encore un peu d'info sur les motivations Sabbat....

In reality, the Sabbat is founded on two basic principles: Freedom and Loyalty. Each vampire is taught that she is part of a larger reality in which her life is dependent on those with whom she is Bonded. The Sabbat also teaches new vampires that it is their responsibility to become as strong as possible in order to be effective warriors when the Antediluvians wake. Before the time of Gehenna, they must hone their skills through contest and battle with the servants of the Antediluvians, the Camarilla infidels.
The Sabbat is unliving proof of Darwin's theory, the strong survive. The Sabbat heavily bases the creation and recognition of new Sabbat on choosing only the strong and then putting them through trials to prove themselves. They do not see themselves as Kindred, but as Vampires and only use the word Kindred with sarcasm. The Sabbat consider themselves at the apex of the food chain. They speak as if they were the true sons and daughters of Caine and continually try to convert the Camarilla Kindred to their own wild ways. All within the Sabbat are Embraced by members of a pack and then are Blood Bound to each other. Vaulderie, the giving of blood from all Sabbat members to create a bond between the embibers, is practiced. Clan lines are often crossed to gain strength and although different packs within the Sect may arise by city, their loyalty to the Sabbat as a whole can be considered fanatical.

The Sabbat preach freedom from the ruling fist of Elder vampires. The Sect was founded on the principle that no vampire should be forced to die for the cowardice of those who created him. The idea behind the Vinculum is that this shared Blood Bond creates loyalty among all vampires of the sect and inspires them to unify in troubled times in order to destroy the enemy. Participation in the Vinculum also prevents one vampire from being secretly Bonded only to another. Like the Catholics they parody, the Sabbat see the ritual of Vaulderie, in which all participants spill some of their blood into a chalice and then drink from it, as sort of vampiric communion with Caine.

The Sabbat has very firm beliefs about all outsiders. Sect members are known for their distinct separation of everyone into a categorization of "us or them". To the Sabbat, all non-Sabbat are "them", regardless of whether "they" are Vampires, Lupines, Mortals, or whatever. The Sabbat does have a few allies, but the Sect cooperates only to a limited degree, and only when it is to the Sabbat's advantage.

Conflict within the Sect is dealt with through Monomacy, a dual, fought within the Arena. The winner wins the conflict and the respect of the loser. The Challenger sends the offender a challenge which must be promptly accepted or denied. If a Sabbat denies a challenge, he is usually branded a coward, and while no one may force a Sabbat to accept a challenge, the cowardly Vampire is regarded with suspicion by his superiors. If the offender subsequently takes an action deemed harmful to the sect, the Sabbat's superior will remove the Vampire's title an right to lead. Vampires who continuously abuses Monomacy as a way of achieving power over others are usually assassinated under orders of the Inner Circle. They do not like threats to their positions.

Sabbat feel they are superior to humans. They feel no sympathy for humans; indeed, to live and act human, to feel human, is against their nature. Sabbat is the chosen. Mortals are not considered even of the same race as Sabbat. Mortals are considered animals and treated as pets and food. Sabbat occasionally use mortals as followers, servants, and spies. Mortal retainers are viewed as property and their owner may use them in any manner they see fit. Some of the most faithful mortals may become ghouls. Each ghoul is Blood Bound to only one Sabbat Vampire and does not participate in the Vaulderie. The sponsor or owner, is held accountable for all the ghoul's actions.

The Paths of Enlightenment describe, to an extent, how each Vampire views freedom, loyalty and his own vampiric nature. Sabbat have no humanity, so the Paths are essential to character formation, as they provide the moral code by which the vampire lives. Freedom and loyalty can be taken in many directions and usually are. Most packs have common ideas of how these two principles function, and many share similar Paths, clans and political factions.

It is a Sabbat belief that anyone who is not serving the Sabbat is serving the Antediluvians and must be converted or destroyed. The Sabbat continues to plan and raise sieges against Camarilla-held cities in hopes of achieving this end. The Sabbat's primary goals include destruction of Camarilla Elders, Methuselahs and Antediluvians.

Justice and Punishment in the Sabbat

The Sabbat protects itself from its members' wrongdoing through the use of a special tribunal. The tribunal is made up of at least four prelates, selected from among the members of the Inner Circle and the Arch-Bishops, with at least one of those members being of Cardinal rank or higher.
The accused is brought before the tribunal and the accuser or another prelate presents the case against him. The accused is then allowed to state his case. The tribunal meets in private thereafter and makes its decision. If the Sabbat is found guilty, she is punished severely. If she is found innocent, the accuser often receives the punishment the Sabbat on trial would have. Sabbat punishment is swift and harsh. The nature and degree of the punishment is based upon the actual crime. The Code of Milan is used as the basis for Sabbat law.
A tribunal will only be called upon in extreme circumstances, such as treason and situations that cannot be worked out by one leader alone. The decision of the tribunal will be final and all involved will agree before the onset of the trial to abide by that decision.
Members of the Sabbat are generally free to do as they please, as long as their actions have no adverse effect upon the sect as a whole, but as it can be clearly seen, the Sabbat is not at all lenient to those who act in a disloyal fashion.
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